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introduction to the
25/Bangalore Foundation It
is our privilege to introduce you to our prestigious Project. A
few months back, a team of young, talented & ambitious professionals
met and decided that they need to get together and do something
constructive for the society of which they where a part of. We decided to
revive an informal group that we had created some years ago. Thus was born
(or ‘re-born’) the
25/Bangalore Foundation. We
wanted to take up a project that is challenging, needs a professional
approach & would be self-sustainable. We short-listed a few
activities, and in the end decided on the Water
Resources Management in Bangalore. We
are proud of the fact that an organisation such as UNIDO has found us
worthy of association. We
did a lot of background work on this and discovered a few interesting
things : 1.
Firstly, we found that this topic has all the features that we were
looking for, and more. 2. We also discovered that there actually is no Organisation working on Water Resources Management (in its totality) in the urban areas, though there are quite lot of them working in the rural areas. 3. The deterioration of the environment (river pollution, decline of sub-soil water, air pollution, etc.) puts equal pressure on rural and urban areas. 4.
Insufficient and inadequate infrastructure supply often hinders the
economic development of cities in developing countries, despite large
investments. 5.
the percentage of population with access to potable water is considered a
relevant indicator of the progress achieved in supplying water. The
validity of such binary approach can be questioned, as reality is more
complex. It presupposes that there are households with access to water and
households without access to water, though the actual problem lies in the
cost of access itself. 6.
develop & implement a feasible,
viable & Sustainable
set of solutions for Water
Resources Management,
not just in the urban areas, but also in the rural regions, we need to
look at things from a different perspective from the traditional outlook. 7.
Unlike popular belief, it’s not just the responsibility of the
Water management Organisations to ‘conserve’ water, but of all the
other stakeholders We need to look at it in its totality, and involve all
the stakeholders, the actual users, vendors and even the supporting
institutions, such as, Financial Institutions, Research & academic
bodies, bilateral & multilateral agencies, etc. 8.
We have to look at the environmental issues too. We have take into
confidence the users, the policy makers, as well as re-engineer the
instruments influencing this domain. The
unreliability of Water Supply has a great impact on our Society. It
affects our daily life. It affects the industry. The quality of goods
manufactured. The economics of the industry, as well as our households. It
affects the health & morale of all of us in this society. A
1993 Policy Paper
World bank reflected a broad global consensus which was forged during the
Rio Earth Summit process. This consensus
stated that modern water resources management should be based on three
fundamental principles (known as “the
Dublin Principles”).
First there is the ecological
which argues that independent management of water by different water-using
sectors is not appropriate, that the river basin must become the unit of
analysis, that land and water need to be managed together, and that much
greater attention needs to be paid to the environment. Second is the institutional
which argues that water resources management is best done when all
stakeholders participate, including the state, the private sector and
civil society; that women need to be included; and that resource
management should respect the principle of subsidiarity, with actions
taken at the lowest appropriate level. Third is the instrument
which argues that water is a scarce resource, and that greater use needs
to be made of incentives and economic principles in improving allocation
and enhancing quality. From
the experience of the World Bank, there are two principal conclusions.
First, it is clear that the “management
or infrastructure”
dichotomy is false. Both are needed. In most developing countries
there is simultaneously an urgent need for more environmentally and
socially sustainable management of water resources, and for developing and
maintaining the stock of small and large water infrastructure needed for
growth and poverty reduction. Second, it is equally clear that development
and management of water resources is a slow and highly political process.
All countries, including industrialized ones, have a long way to go before
they manage their water resources in accordance with principles of best
practice. The challenge of reform, accordingly, is to determine what is
feasible, in any particular natural, cultural, economic and political
environment, and to develop alliances around a sequenced, prioritized,
realistic program for improvement. The
gloomy arithmetic of Water
World Commission on Water has described the “gloomy
arithmetic of water”. The
gloomy arithmetic of water is mirrored in the gloomy arithmetic of costs.
The “easy
and cheap”
options for mobilizing water resources for human needs have mostly been
exploited. Many countries are now facing sharply-increasing unit costs
(often associated with inter-basin transfers or even desalination, and as
often associated with the challenges of quality as with those of
quantity). Population
and economic growth, and greater appreciation of the value of water in
ecosystems, means that water demands are growing and shifting. Tensions
over water rights are increasing at the level of the village, city, and
basin. Some of these disputes are spilling over to international river
basins. Shifting
patterns of precipitation and runoff associated with climate change
compound this gloomy arithmetic. An inability to predict and manage the
quantity and quality of water and the impacts of droughts, floods and
climatic variability imposes large costs on many economies in the
developing world. If the computer simulations on climate change are
correct, these impacts will only heighten in the coming
decades Effective
development and management of water resources are essential for
sustainable growth and poverty reduction in all developing countries. Usually,
the percentage of population with access to potable water is considered a
relevant indicator of the progress achieved in supplying water. Every
year, on an average, each household spends around Rs. 2,000 in coping with
the unreliable supply of water, which is 15.5 times more than what they
pay to the municipality/corporation for their annual water consumption. Rainwater
should not be neglected in the effort to provide water. Because of its
unique advantages of technical simplicity and convenience, rainwater
catchments can make a major contribution to supplying the water needs of
many people. Rainwater
harvesting has been practiced successfully in some parts of the world for
more than 4000 years. Yet despite the pressing need for adequate drinking
water supplies in arid and semi-arid areas, this water supply technique is
still not used as widely as it could be. During
the past century, while world population tripled, the aggregate use of
water has increased six fold. These increases have come at high
environmental costs – some rivers no longer reach the sea; 50 percent of
the world’s wetlands have disappeared in the past century; 20 percent of
freshwater fish are endangered or extinct; many of the most important
groundwater aquifers are being mined, with water tables already deep and
dropping by meters every year, and some are damaged permanently by
salinization. The
World Commission on Water estimates that water use will increase by about
50 percent in the next 30 years. It is estimated that 4 billion people –
one half of the world’s population – will live under conditions of
severe water stress in 2025, with conditions particularly severe in
Africa, the Middle East and South Asia. Compounding the relative scarcity
of water is the continuous deterioration in water quality in most
developing countries. Again, it is the poorest countries and poorest
people who are most directly affected. Population
and economic growth, and greater appreciation of the value of water in
ecosystems, means that water demands are growing and shifting. Tensions
over water rights are increasing at the level of the village, city, and
basin. Some of these disputes are spilling over to international river
basins. The
World Bank has a long history of engagement in water resources development
and management, Initially the World Bank saw the development of dams and
other hydraulic infrastructure as synonymous with water resources
management. In good part through some painful failures, the World Bank
learned about the necessity of incorporating not just technical and
economic considerations, but social and environmental factors into the
design and operation of hydraulic infrastructure. The
World Bank also learned that water management is about much more than
simply building and operating infrastructure, that it also includes the
development of an enabling legal framework and institutions for management
of both the quantity and quality of water in basins and aquifers.
Non-structural measures, such as water rights administration, allocation
mechanisms, and information systems, must be incorporated as well. The
need of this hour is to develop a portfolio of
analytic work which informs management decisions & recognizes
differences. A
World Bank report throws up the following assessments :
economics of Water Supply unreliability ; The total cost of the unreliability of water supply is the sum of the cost of reducing unreliability and the cost of unreliability to the economic players and to the collectivity. The cost of reducing unreliability corresponds to the operating costs along with the total cost of the new investment required. The cost of unreliability corresponds to the unreliability costs borne by users, that is the cost of compensatory strategies, and the costs borne by the society like pollution, loss of productivity, etc. It is in this perspective that we formulated a Plan of Action to approach, investigate, plan & execute a set of self-sustainable solutions for Clean Water Resources Management for our City. As the first step to achieving our goals, we decided to create a Forum, consisting of all the Stakeholders of Water Resources in the City, various supportive Government (both State & Central) departments & agencies, bilateral & multilateral agencies, Financial Institutions, the Industry, the media, other like-minded NGOS, etc. In order to create the Forum & to decide on it’s Plan of Action (PoA), we though it most appropriate to have a Brain-storming session/Workshop. This was held on Thursday, the 20th . The
Objective of the Workshop is: a.
To create a Forum to develop, initiate & implement Sustainable
Solutions for Water Resources Management in Bangalore City. b.
To create a Discussion-cum-Working Group consisting of the various
stakeholders in Water Management & usage in Bangalore City, to address
the problems faced by the consumer of Water resources. c.
To launch a series of Awareness Programmes on the scarcity value of
water, to promote the significance of a Scientific approach to Water
Resources Management. d.
To initiate a Sustainable Programme for better & more efficient
Water Resources Management in Bangalore City. e.
To develop new approaches to serving (involving the disadvantaged
groups), increase efficiency, improve technical & operational practices, and access new sources of finance. TARGET
programme would be represented by the various stake-holders of the Water
Resources, the Civic authorities, the Corporate, the Consumers (both
domestic & commercial) and other like-minded NGOs. The
Workshop was in the Form of Presentations by representatives of the
stakeholders, followed by a Q&A/discussion section.
The Fore-noon Session
addressed the problem of the availability of potable water, the
exploration, distribution & management of water resources and the
various sources of potable water. This
Session was Chaired by Shri
B R Shah,
Former Chairman, Central Water Commission. Government of India.
The After-noon Session
shall address the environmental aspects, water pollution & Cleaner
techniques & processes for water treatment & pollution and waste minimization. This
Session was Chaired by Dr. Jean-Jacques
Braun, Chairman, Indo-French Cell for Water Sciences (IFCWS), IISc,
Bangalore. At
the end of the day, we were able to arrive at a consensus, and launched
Society known as Project
We request you support our Project in the
same positive manner in which you have earlier responded to our
initiative. Together, we would all be able to make a considerable change
in this domain.
S Vasantha Kumar, Chairman, Project Agastya & Advisor, UNIDO-ICAMT Rajeev
Kumar, Chief Executive Officer,
& General Secretary, The
25/Bangalore Foundation. |
Project Agastya
For more details please contact :
Mr. S Vasantha Kumar, Chairman – Project Agastya (& Advisor,
UNIDO-ICAMT). Ph : 3478109, 3478110, 3479832.
Fax: (080) 347
5450 email: svkumar@icamt.org,
Rajeev Kumar,
Chief Executive Officer – Project Agastya & General
Secretary, The 25/Bangalore Foundation. Ph : 333 5590 (R) email : the25bangalore@rediffmail.com,
Mr. Renji Abraham, Director (Hon.) – Project
Agastya. Mobile : 98440 36522 Ph :
558 4613.
Mr. U Jagannatha, Director (Hon.) – Project Agastya. Ph : 98452 50590.